Dry July
Here’s a topic for this month ladies - Dry July
In this case, we’re not referring to abstaining from alcohol… We’re referring to downstairs. A pickle of a situation most of us women face or will face.
We’re talking about vaginal dryness… all ages, all demographics — something of which doesn’t discriminate. Misconception leads us to believe vaginal dryness is only an issue for postmenopausal women – now while 50% of women in this category do suffer from this, recent studies show 17% of women aged 18-50 suffer from vaginal dryness. It’s happened to me on more than one occasion (I’m 30 for reference…) and I can assure any woman reading this who is, or has been, or perhaps has yet to be affected — it isn’t pleasant. It can lead to tearing, bleeding, general discomfort, and ultimately can lead to insecurities. Vaginal dryness isn’t cause for embarrassment, nor should it leave us feeling insecure. It’s natural. It happens to most of us at one stage or another.
There’s a number of reasons vaginal dryness occurs — lack or arousal, medical issues, psychological matters including stress, hygiene products and harsh soaps, chemicals in pools and hot tubs, washing powders… low levels of oestrogen (hello hormones) and one of the biggest causes nowadays — certain medications such as antihistamines and antidepressants, which can dry out mucous membranes, including vaginal tissues. Even the slightest fluctuations in hormone levels, which is so often a side-effect of said medications, may impact blood flow – which causes this vaginal dryness.
Natural feminine dryness remedies
Now… here’s how to turn your Dry July into a very wet season indeed…
Wildfire® Enhance Her helps not only increases libido but also serves as the best lubricant for menopause dryness, making it perfect for women experiencing the Dry July… aka vaginal dryness.
The unique blend of essential oils together with an extra virgin olive oil base provides nourishment and lubrication to the vaginal lining, helping to slow the natural thinning process that occurs not only during menopause but during hormonal changes and shifts along with stimulating natural lubrication of the mucous membranes. Calendula has also been included for its natural soothing properties and is ideal for sensitive skin that irritates easily, during those Dry Seasons… So let’s rejoice and say goodbye to Dry July and hello to a wet season thanks to Wildfire® Enhance Her, the best lubricant for women!